With the rebel princess napping, I thought I would take a minute to post my resolutions, goals, hopes, etc for the upcoming year! They are simple, and probably are the same as the majority of people, but it's still important for me to write them out and send those thoughts out into the Universe!
- Create a daily home yoga practice. I struggle with filling up my "free time" with things other then scrolling through my Facebook feed or pinning wonderful things on Pinterest. This year, I want to dedicate at least 30 minutes every day to a home yoga practice. Whether it's physical or only meditation.
- Have more patience. This in particular as we are approaching our first year with a budding toddler :)
- Be a better yoga teacher. You are always the student in yoga (and in life). There is always much more to learn, more to discover. My goal is to trust myself as a yoga teacher, and trust in my ability to lead my students into a wonderful place the hour + that they are with me.
- Budget better. Growing up, any free money we had was usually spent right away on fun things. I still have the mentality and I know it stresses my husband out. I got our food budget finally under control, now with me working and earning extra money, I need to get my personal budget under control.
- Pay more on my student loans. Speaking of money, in February of this year I will start paying the loan for my YTT program. It is only S96/month, but my goal will always be to pay more on it. Whether it is only a few dollars more, or a hundred more.
- Be less attached. Including (but not limited to): electronics, expectations, material, and monetary.
- Become a doula. This is so important to me and I am not sure if it will be feasible this year,but I sure will try!
- Finally, and perhaps the most important one, start planning our conscious conception. The hubby and I have talked a lot about when we want another baby. We don't want there to be too big of an age gap between our children, but we understand the importance of letting our bodies and our budget get to a healthier point where we will be ready for another child. The earliest we will start trying to get pregnant will be at the end of 2015, but I want this to be my healthiest year yet, and Joe's too. Conscious conception is a process in where you get rid of the toxins in your body and life, and replace them with only good, healthy, wonderful things (think food, relationships, etc) as you prepare to have another child. It's like a 9 month+ journey, just to prepare to be your best self and give your baby the best while it's in your womb.